Dear Alumni
Hello to All.
I’d like to thank the entire alumni body for electing me to represent the “Alumni Association of Gulmohur (AAG Trust)”. It is an honor to be elected as the next AAG President.
I am humbled that you have placed your faith and trust in me. This is a responsibility that i can't imagine myself handling better than our Founder President Mr. Abhijit Gope, still I will endeavor to represent you with utmost transparency and boldness.
I have been working for AAG since I was in school in 2010. I remember making the alumni database, learning to handle the school website, managing AAG activities. Then on 2nd April 2013 I was appointed as the Vice President of AAG. It has always been a proud moment working for AAG and my Alma Mater and I wish to continue this for the whole of my life.
The primary objective of AAG is to provide a common ground to the ex-students to unite and work towards a common goal of welfare and growth of Gulmohur School and its students. Future goal of AAG is to strive hard to work towards the betterment of the school by uniting every member of the Gulmohur family and reaching newer heights of success. I expect all the alumni to come forward and help AAG meet its objective.
I would like to announce the new organogram of Alumni Association of Gulmohur (AAG Trust). Though many of AAG body members are same, a new structure of Post has been defined for all of them. This would help to renew their working experience with AAG with more motivation and dedication and help AAG reaching new heights.
Event Management Head: Mr. Nikhil Kumar
Student Development Head: Mr. Abu Nasim Ashraf
Public Relations Head: Mr. Gaurav Prasad
Deputy PR: Ms. Gazala Anjum
The General Operations Team includes Mr. Navin Dutta, Mr. Tapajyoti Guha and Ms. Neha Sakuja.
We are in the process of recruitment of efficient members for rest of the posts. I encourage all the Alumni to come forward and work/contribute for AAG.
Once again I would like to thank all the Alumni and the AAG Core Team for considering me worthy enough for this position.
Rahul Kumar
President, AAG Trust