Thursday, May 12, 2011

My first year in the college - An article concerning to all….

I Left my home and my hometown with tears in my eyes, waving my hand and watching my mother going apart from me. It was an unexpressive moment for me, there was a curiosity of an independent life ahead along with a deep sorrow within my heart of departing from EVERYONE.
I reached Delhi on 1st of August last year. A new city and a new life to adjust into. Everything was huge, buildings, people, status. Felt a bit outdated and backward. Two of my lifetime wishes came true by time, a personal room and of course a personal computer.
It was 16th of August when my uncle dropped me to the college and showed the path. With semi-courage in my nerves went to the classroom. Unknown faces, people, and unwanted attitude.. I was in super formal as instructed made me feel more pathetic. Learning the lifestyle and state of fashion I was deeply affected and literally felt like a gawar.
With a basic intro of our selves classes began..  New faculties and our seniors were the best one can dream of..Time passed by, I got along with all including faculties and started opening up with them.. My inner soul pumped up and rose up to where it was in the school days. Playing pranks, asking stupid questions, joking, laughing had become my life..
Enjoyed in the canteen with friends and gossips in the lectures.  Sitting hours on facebook, chatting with old friends had become a hobby.. Visiting new places was very memorable part. Wrote articles, completed assignments,  made cartoons and invented the Bose Documentaries..
I found shadow of my parents in my faculties  and college hours became my happiest hours of the day.. This was the most special year of my life.. Evolved from nil to where I stand now.. With all ups and downs, appreciations and disheartening.. Learned a lot, lived each moment like never before.
Cried and missed my mom quite often in loneliness. A year passed by, and it all seems like yesterday was 1st of August.
( The most closest and dearest article of mine )

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

College-A Step Towards Reality

I always use to think that succeeding in college is about going to class, studying, and working hard.  But what you might not realize is that you can do all of these things and still not succeed..
For example, in high school lots of decisions are made for you—what classes you take, when you take them, what books to buy, how many pages to read each night, and so on.
Not so in college.  One have to make a lot of decisions on his own.  How will you schedule your time?  How late will you stay up?  How much partying will you do?  How many classes will you cut?  In college you won’t be reminded about exams and due dates.  Your teachers and parents won’t be around to make sure you do the “right things.”
Now, this new freedom might sound great; and it is, sort of.  But, let’s say for example, that you spend a lot of time staying up late, hanging with friends.  You could run out of time the night before a paper is due.  You could be tired all of the time, fall asleep in class, and maybe get sick because you did not get enough sleep.  Spending hours on facebook will be a nominal thing for you….
You could lose points for not attending class, even for showing up late, or for forgetting to hand in a paper.  The reality is that the decisions you make can cost you and your parents a lot of wasted, time, effort, and money…not to mention your happiness.
You also have to learn how to work with professors and adapt to the many differences you will find in a college classroom.
So college means that you have to make a lot of your own decisions, and, in most colleges, you will be making these decisions with little guidance or support.   You don’t need someone to nag you or lecture you about what you should or shouldn’t do.  What you need is someone you can talk to.. Someone who will not judge you and will always be there for you everytime….
-@jitabh ]3ose

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Student's Life

Student life is the best time of life. Students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. A man’s career is made or marred in this period. It is the period when one’s character is molded. A student should Aim at being educated and being educated means becoming a complete man.

In student life diligence is of supreme value. A diligent man can achieve much. In student life one must learn to be obedient, Discipline is imposed on the student from outside at the school stage. But a student should understand from within the necessity of obedience and discipline in life. He should not forget that student life is to be devoted primarily to the pursuit of knowledge. But a student should not be a bookworm. There should be a harmonious development of body and mind. Therefore, a student should always participate in games and sports. It is not a waste of time to spend an hour or so in the playground. At home he must respect his elders and abide by the rules of his family. At school or college he must obey and respect his teachers. He should be careful about choosing his friends and companions. He should make friends with those who are honest, disciplined and diligent.

A student should also look beyond himself. He should not be a self-centered and selfish fellow. In student life one should devote some time to social service. He should try to educate his illiterate neighbors. He must teach the fundamental laws of health and hygiene. An ideal student must master all such virtues and make himself a useful citizen of his motherland and his country as well.
-@jitabh ]3ose

J.J.IRANI Awards

One the proudest moment for me and for every Gulmohurian…. Our Gulmohur High School has won two “J.J.IRANI Awards” this year. Gulmohur High School has crossed the 400+ band and was the proud recipient of three awards. The TATA QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES (TQMS) conducted its awards ceremony on 25thof Feb. 2011. The Chief guest for the occasion was the Ex-President of  India, honorable “Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam”.  The first award was for EDUCATIONAL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT  (EQUIP) and the second award was for the BEST PRACTICE AWARD. This award was for the EFFECTIVE USE OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE RESULTING IN IMPROVED LEARNING.I was very happy to hear this news and wished to be present on this auspicious occasion..
Proud to be a GULMOHURIAN!!
-@jitabh ]3ose

Monday, May 9, 2011


Why  this world is refered as cruel and selfish, come to Gulmohur where God still exsists!!!!
Why didn’t I missed my mom here????
Why didn’t I want those classes to ever end????
Why I just wanted to keep on listening those devine voices????
Why I had to leave Gulmohur one day and go from this heaven????
Why I had to leave my friends and was left with only tears????
Why cant we pause the time for ever to live like an immortal soul????
Why I don’t want to depart from Gulmohur????
-@jitabh ]3ose